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How to Get Claude and ChatGPT to Write in Your Voice [Best Prompt]

Ever feel like AI-generated content sounds… well, AI-generated? 🤖

Let’s fix that. Today, we’re diving into the art of getting Claude and ChatGPT to mimic your unique voice. No more generic, soulless copy. It’s time to add some personality to things.

Welcome to the TIP AI Writing and Prompting Method:

Train with Taste

Instruct with Intention

Polish with Perspective.

Today, we’re focusing on that first T – because without solid training, you’re setting yourself up to fail:

Here’s the secret sauce. The next time you want Claude or ChatGPT to write in your voice try this prompt: 

“Read the following [content type] and prepare to write [content type] using my voice, tone, and style: [PASTE TRAINING CONTENT HERE]”

AI Writing School Claude Prompt

Your training content needs to scream “you.” It should drip with your quirks, opinions, and unique way of seeing the world. Give the AI a taste of your heart and soul.

If you want it to write blog posts, feed it blog posts.

Social media posts? Then feed it social media posts.

Newsletter issues? Then feed it past newsletter issues.

Once you do this, you should get back a response that looks something like this:

AI Claude Prompt

Anything that showcases your authentic voice. The more, the better — but ensure it’s at least 2 different pieces and in my experience, ideally a few hundred words or more.

Authenticity is your superpower in a world of cookie-cutter content. Don’t water it down.

Be you, be real, and have fun 🙂