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The “Act As” AI Writing Hack [Free Prompt]

If you want better output with AI writing, you need better input.

One simple way to do this is by telling your AI tool to “ACT AS…” a specific professional.

💡 Pro Tip: Instead of “Write a blog post about productivity,” try this prompt:

Act as a senior SEO specialist at a top SaaS company. Write a 2000-word blog post titled ’10 Tech-Driven Productivity Hacks for Remote Teams in 2024′. Include H2s and H3s, focus on long-tail keywords related to remote work productivity tools. Optimize for featured snippets and include a ‘Quick Implementation Guide’ section. Make content appealing for millenial remote workers.”

Quick Hacks:

  • Don’t forget to add “…at a [company/industry]” to shape the tone
  • Try other roles like: Blogger, Direct Response Copywriter, CRO landing page writer, and SEO Specialist

⚡️Bonus Tip⚡️

Try using the “ACT AS” technique mentioning a famous writer’s name: “Write 10 blog post titles about [topic] in the style of [famous writer].”